Baseball fans are giving Bud Light the cold shoulder, especially Boston Red Sox fans at Fenway Park who are going out of their way to buy every other beer imaginable amid the recent controversy regarding male social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney, a man who pretends to be a woman, being chosen as a Bud Light spokesperson.

A video uploaded to the popular social media platform TikTok on Wednesday shows fans lining up for some time to buy alcohol. What vender doesn’t have a line, or even a single customer waiting to buy their brews? You guessed it, the Bud Light stand was completely ignored.
What adds insult to injury is that the video, uploaded by a user named Luis Tejada, has as of this writing already surpassed 1.2 million views and received thousands of user comments.
“Fenway Park Bud Light stand Ghost Town!” Tejada said in the video caption.
@luistejadabostonrealtor Fenway Park Bud light stand Ghost Town! #budlight #fenwaypark #redsox #massrealestate #realtor #bienesraices #jesuslovesyou #forsalebyowner #sellersagent #jesus ♬ Time of the Season – The Zombies
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“Guys, this is so funny and bizarre. Look at that,” Tejada says in the video, focusing in on the one long line before moving the camera to the empty Bud Light stand. “Look at that, that is every single Bud Light stand here at Fenway Park.
This viral video is representative of the larger backlash against Bud Light by normal people who are tired of being told that men can be women. The insult of having Mulvaney as a influencer representative of one of America’s most beloved beers (well, ex-beloved it seems) has resulted in the product being banned from bars and boycotted by customers across the nation.
The situation began a month ago when Mulvaney was picked to have his face appear on some promotional cans for the company’s March Madness contest as a way to “celebrate your girlhood,” as well as participate in some online ad campaigns, including one where he is dancing in a bathtub naked. Anheuser-Busch ended up dropping by $5 billion in market value as buyers saw the move as “woke” and insulting.
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CEO Michel Doukeris attempted to paint this as a rogue campaign by a marketer in the company and tried to convince investors during a call that it wasn’t something he’d have approved if he knew about it.
“We need to clarify the facts that this was one can, one influencer, one post and not a campaign,” Dougeris stated, also blaming internet “misinformation” for most of the uproar.Too little, too late it seems.
Anheuser-Busch is attempting to “make amends” with distributors and other businesses who have been impacted by the situation, but time will tell whether that will make an actual difference or not.
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