A new report claims the Brooklyn Nets have at least six demands Kyrie Irving must meet in order for him to be reinstated for the team after they suspended him for sharing a movie link to his Twitter account.

Irving was indefinitely suspended after he shared an Amazon link to the film Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America The Movie to his Twitter account.

RELATED: Brooklyn Nets Suspend Kyrie Irving Indefinitely For Sharing An Amazon Movie Link To Twitter
The Nets announced the indefinite suspension writing, “Over the last several days, we have made repeated attempts to work with Kyrie Irving to help him understand the harm and danger of his words and actions, which began with him publicizing a film containing deeply disturbing antisemitic hate. We believed that taking the path of education in this challenging situation would be the right one and thought that we had made progress with our joint commitment to eradicating hate and intolerance.”
It continued, “We were dismayed today, when given an opportunity in a media session, that Kyrie refused to unequivocally say he has no antisemitic beliefs, nor acknowledge specific hateful material in the film. This was not the first time he had the opportunity – but failed – to clarify.”

“Such failure to disavow antisemitism when given a clear opportunity to do so is deeply disturbing, is against the values of our organization, and constitutes conduct detrimental to the team,” the statement asserted.
The team then announced the suspension, “Accordingly, we are of the view that he is currently unfit to be associated with the Brooklyn Nets. We have decided that Kyrie will serve a suspension without pay until he satisfies a series of objective remedial measures that address the harmful impact of his conduct and the suspension period served is no less than five games.”

Following the suspension announcement, Irving apologized for sharing the movie link. He wrote on Instagram, “While doing research on YHWH, I posted a Documentary that contained some false anti-Semitic statements, narratives, and language that were untrue and offensive to the Jewish Race/Religion, and I take full accountability and responsibly for my actions. I am grateful to have a big platform to share knowledge and I want to move forward by having an open dialogue to learn more and grow from this.”
“To All Jewish families and Communities that are hurt and affected from my post, I am deeply sorry to have caused you pain, and I apologize,” he stated. “I initially reacted out of emotion to being unjustly labeled Anti-Semitic, instead of focusing on the healing process of my Jewish Brothers and Sisters that were hurt from the hateful remarks made in the Documentary.”

He went on, “I want to clarify any confusion on where I stand fighting against Anti- semticism by apologizing for posting the documentary without context and a factual explanation outlining the specific beliefs in the Documentary I agreed with and disagreed with.”
“I had no intentions to disrespect any Jewish cultural history regarding the Holocaust or perpetuate any hate,” Irving wrote. “I am learning from this unfortunate event and hope we can find understanding between us all.”
“I am no different than any other human being. I am a seeker of truth and knowledge, and I know who I Am,” he concluded.

Now a new report from The Athletic’s Shams Charania claims the Nets have six demands Irving must meet in order to return to the team.
Charania wrote on Twitter, “Sources: Nets have delivered Kyrie Irving six items he must complete to return to team: – Apologize/condemn movie – $500K donation to anti-hate causes – Sensitivity training – Antisemitic training – Meet with ADL, Jewish leaders – Meet with Joe Tsai to demonstrate understanding.”

RELATED: Sports Media Attacks Brooklyn Nets Star Kyrie Irving Describing Him As Anti-Semitic
It’s unclear how legitimate these demands are given Irving had previously announced in a joint statement with the NBA and the Anti-Defamation League that he would donate $500,000 to the Anti-Defamation League.
The ADL rejected Irving’s donation with the organization’s CEO Jonathan Greenblatt responding to Irving’s apology writing, “This is an encouraging step from Kyrie Irving. But actions speak louder than words. Because of his post and previous refusals to walk it back, the anti-Semitic film/book is now a best seller in multiple categories on Amazon. There is a lot more to do to undo this damage.”

He wrote in a second tweet, “Although we will not accept any funds from him, if Kyrie is open to direct dialogue to repair the harm that he has caused and to engage in a process of healing and learning in a sincere manner, Anti-Defamation League is open to engaging with him. Time and action will tell.”

YouTuber Ryan Kinel of Sports Wars reacted to this list of demands and the actions the Brooklyn Nets and the NBA have taken against Irving.
He began, “Just like we saw last year when Kyrie refused to take the jab, the NBA and the mainstream media are trying to make an example out of him, trying to use him as a warning to say, ‘Don’t step out of line. Never say anything against the approved narrative, or we will destroy you.’ That’s what they are trying to do with Kyrie Irving right now.”
Later in the video, Kinel asserts, “You could listen to what he said and he did say that, not unequivocally, but he did say, ‘I’m not anti-Semitic.’ He said it multiple times. Maybe not in the way that they wanted him to say it, but that’s what he said.”
“And it’s so ironic that time after time we see that there is a double standard in the NBA and in woke sports,” Kinel declares. “You can s**t on white people all you want. You can trash white people all you want. You can promote any kind of ‘Oh look at what white people are trying to do to us. Look, we’re on the plantation.’ You can promote all that kind of s**t that you want in professional sports and they have been doing that for years now and that’s fine. But as soon as you say the wrong thing well then all of a sudden you’re cancelled completely.”

Reacting to Irving’s apology, Kinel said, “Good job apologizing, Kyrie. What did that do? Nothing. It did absolutely nothing for him. Because once they decide that they want to make an example of you that’s what’s going to happen.”
“And you are only approved to hate one group of people or say anything derogatory towards one group of people and that is white people,” Kinel opined. “That’s blatantly clear, crystal clear in the NBA. And they’re making it very apparent with what they’re doing right now to Kyrie Irving.”

To that point, The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh recalled that LeBron James specifically targeted a police officer after he stopped an attempted murder.
Back in April 2021 after a video went viral of the officer saving a young girl who was being attacked by another girl with a knife, James tweeted a picture of the officer and wrote, “YOU’RE NEXT #ACCOUNTABILITY”

Walsh recalled the tweet writing, “Remember when Lebron James tweeted a photo of a police officer with the words “you’re next” after the officer shot a knife-wielding maniac who was in the process of trying to murder a young woman? He was never suspended, never condemned by the NBA, never any accountability at all.”

He continued, “That’s why I can’t take the backlash against Kyrie Irving seriously. It’s not like we hold athletes to a high standard when it comes to their public rhetoric. The standard rises or falls dramatically depending on who it is and depending on the politics involved.”

“This is to say nothing of Lebron’s tweets about the Jacob Blake shooting. He was leveraging his massive platform to personally destroy the lives of innocent police officers and encourage rioting in the process. It’s hard to imagine speech more harmful than that,” he concluded.

James tweeted at the time regarding Jacob Blake, “And y’all wonder why we say what we say about the Police!! Someone please tell me WTF is this???!!! Exactly another black man being targeted. This s**t is so wrong and so sad!! Feel so sorry for him, his family and OUR PEOPLE!! We want JUSTICE”

In a tweet on August 26th, he wrote, “F*** THIS MAN!!!! WE DEMAND CHANGE. SICK OF IT.”

What do you make of the Brooklyn Nets’ persecution of Kyrie Irving for sharing a link to a movie to his Twitter?
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