Nike 2021 Pride Month collection via Special Delivery YouTube

According to an email sent to Nike employees that was obtained by The Daily Wire, the woke-sports shoe and attire company intends on launching a radical “gender inclusive” clothing line for young children which they intend on releasing during this Pride month.

Pride parade photo by Mercedes Mehling, free to use under the Unsplash License

“In collaboration with Nike Kids Design, join the Pride Network as we spotlight the pioneering gender-inclusive ‘Kids One Fit’ apparel,” said Nike’s president of consumer and marketplace, Heidi O’Neill. It also outlined other Pride themed initiatives and programs to continue to push the LGBTQ+ agenda within the company.

“This year’s theme is Together We Are Undeniable. The LGBTQIA+ community continues to fight for equality – their fight to be themselves,” the email continued.

The announcement also adds that the theme “centers around determination; celebrating icons of the community and the progress we have and will continue to make in light of recent attacks and restrictions on the community and their allies.”

Heidi O'Neill

Heidi O’Neill via Recode YouTube

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One of the events which Nike plans on hosting is a special panel with Oregon Health and Science University surgeon Dr. Blair Peters, a “queer” man who leads his field in mutilating children’s genitals, also known as “gender reassignment surgery.”

“Join the Human Rights Campaign, Portland Community Football Club’s Kaig Lightner, and OHSU Trans Health Program’s Dr. Blair Peters for a panel and Q&A to discuss policies impacting the transgender community,” said the email.

The company’s other list of events to double down on the continued indoctrination and grooming of their workforce and their families doesn’t stop there. They’ve already put on “family-friendly” drag queen story times for children, and have sponsored a film promoting biological men competing against real women in women’s sports. And to just add a cherry on top, they’re even hosting a climate change themed panel on the topic of “queer ecology.”

Kaig Lightner via Women in Soccer YouTube

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Nike also announced they would be making a donation of $600,000 to six different groups pushing gender ideology in public schools and local communities across the country.

One group mentioned is the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which allegedly aims to incorporate LGBTQ+ content into school curricula and policies. The passage suggests that GLSEN advocates against informing parents when their children express gender identity transitions or use non-traditional pronouns in class.

Furthermore, Nike reportedly sponsored a “Queer Youth Field Day” event in partnership with a gay group in Memphis, targeting individuals aged 13 to 25. The company also collaborated with a transgender TikTok influencer, Dylan Mulvaney, for an advertisement campaign featuring Nike leggings and sports bras. These initiatives have garnered criticism, with some individuals expressing concerns about the representation of women and the endorsement of transgender agendas.

Will you continue to support Nike’s radical agenda with your money? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and across social media.

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