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A Christian school in Vermont has been banned from participating in all athletic and academic events.

Why? The school refused to compete against a transgender player.

The school did not want its girls’ basketball team to compete against a biological male who identifies as a girl.

Trans Insanity

The New York Post reported in November, “Mid Vermont Christian School says they were barred from all athletic play after forfeiting against a Long Trail girls high school basketball team that had a biological male on their team on Feb. 21.”

“The Christian PK-12 school says they were ‘irreparably harmed by being denied participation’ and ‘losing out on playing competitive sports as well as academic competitions,’ their lawsuit, filed by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), reads,” the Post noted.

The story continued:

The ADF is a Christian legal advocacy group that works to defend and preserve freedom of speech to expand Christian practices within public schools and in government, outlaw abortion, and curtail LGBTQ rights — their website states.

Immediate action was taken by the Vermont Principal’s Association (VPA) following Mid Vermont’s decision to cancel their game against Long Trail, stating the school violated it’s policies on “commitment to racial, gender-fair, and disability awareness” and on “gender identity.”

The VPA initially put out a statement back in February saying “VPA policies prohibit discrimination and/or harassment of students on school property or at school functions by students or employees.”

Mid Vermont refuted such claims in their lawsuit and made clear they were only acting in accordance to the religious beliefs their school abides by.

Mid Vermont says that VPA was “denying the Christian school and its students from participating in the state’s tuition program and sports league because of their religious beliefs.”

Fair is Fair

The school has done nothing wrong – it is right to stand up for female athletes and women’s sports in general.

Mid Vermont Christian Head of School Vicky Fogg said of the VPA’s ruling, “Cancelling our membership is not a solution and does nothing to deal with the very real issue of safety and fairness facing women’s sports in our beloved state.”

Fairness is right. And trans ideology doesn’t erase what’s fair and what’s not when it comes to reality.